
Question from friend

  My friend:- How do I handle a tough mother-in-law who interrogates me a lot? She even asks how much we pay for dinner when we eat out. Can you give me some tips? Me:- Okay, here's an idea. When your mother-in-law asks questions that are none of her business, you might try this. For example, when your mother-in-law asks about how much you paid for dinner, you could ask her, "What do you think is a reasonable amount?" She will be a little stunned because she is expecting you to give her a requested answer. Keep pressuring her for an answer and when she finally gives one, tell her, "Yes, it was about that amount." Keep trying to make her questions into questions about how she feels or what she thinks. For example, she might say, "You look tired. What time do you go to bed at night?" Pause and then ask, "What do you think is a reasonable time?" If she says 8 or whatever, again you reply, "Yes, it was about that time." She may not get

SHIV___The Lost Soul

  I failed almost in every task that life is given to me in my life, and never done any work completely finished specially that i wanted to do in my life ,some might be due to extrnal pressure or some by my own choice , so here are some failures of my life that i am going to share with you  - First failure i saw when i wanted to persue a career in music feild and due to parents pressure i have to give up on those dreams and my music instrument is sold too. Second failure that i saw when i was in class 9th , i failed in some 2 or 3 subjects and got supplementary in which 2 subjects are eventually cleared and one subject is left, and still according to my school new rules i got another chance to give again that 1 supplementry exam, and due to my eldr brother’s pressure i chooses to repeat the same class rather than to give that supplementry exam clear it and go to the next class. Then the failure that i saw is friends, i trusted on wrong friends who always stay with me, had fun mith me a